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Friday, February 27, 2015
Monday, February 23, 2015
February 22, 2015 The Danger of Self-Righteousness
Last week I mentioned the importance of church camp in the
development of my spiritual life and my sense of call as a minister. As powerful as my camp experience was,
it was not without a few shortcomings.
One summer, one of our counselors told us that when we returned to
school we needed to be sure to bow our heads and pray before lunch each day in
the cafeteria. We were instructed
to do this not just because of a desire to return thanks and not because we
ought to pray, but we were told to do so because our classmates should see us
praying; the point of our prayers was to be seen praying, as it would be a
witness of faith. Our counselors
also told us we should read our Bibles regularly, and as I did, I remembered
the words of Jesus in the Sermon On the Mount, where he says that we should
pray in secret. The words of my
counselor seemed to be in conflict with the instructions of my counselor.
The conflict between what I was told and what I read in this passage
led me to what might seem like a strange practice to some people – before I eat
a meal I always return thanks, but not always in an obvious manner. When I share a meal with another person
or a group of people, I’m often asked to offer the blessing, which I do and I’m
happy to do so, but when I’m by myself, I do not bow my head and I do not close
my eyes, but I do return thanks.
Praying in a way that is obvious to others makes me wonder about the
difference between an authentic expression of faith and an activity that is
done simply to gain attention.
Does that make me weird?
It’s okay to nod your head yes, I know I’m weird.
Listen to what Jesus says in chapter six of the Sermon On the Mount
1 Be careful not to practice your
righteousness in front of others to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in
2 So when you give to the needy, do not
announce it with trumpets, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the
streets, to be honored by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their
reward in full.
3 But when you give to the needy, do not
let your left hand know what your right hand is doing,
4 so that your giving may be in secret.
Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.
5 And when you pray, do not be like the
hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street
corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward
in full.
6 But when you pray, go into your room,
close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who
sees what is done in secret, will reward you.
7 And when you pray, do not keep on
babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many
8 Do not be like them, for your Father
knows what you need before you ask him.
This morning we are talking about The Danger of Self-Righteousness. What is the difference between a genuine expression of faith
and self-righteousness? Let’s find
out –
Self-Righteousness Feels the Need to Call Attention to One’s Actions.
One of the marks of
self-righteousness that is identified by Jesus in this week’s Scripture passage
is that of drawing attention to one’s spiritual practices and actions. Be careful not to practice your righteousness
in front of others to be seen by them, Jesus said, implying that if we have to point out our
righteousness to other people, it’s not really true righteousness.
Self-righteousness is identified by a looking-over-the-shoulder way of living
that wants to be sure others see what we are doing.
In Luke 18:9-14 we read
the story of the Pharisee and the tax collector, both of whom were praying in
the Temple. The Pharisee is
audacious enough to point out the tax collector, to whom he felt superior, and
turned his prayer into a self-congratulatory speech. God, I thank you that I am not like other people—robbers, evildoers,
adulterers—or even like this tax collector. I fast twice a week
and give a tenth of all I get (Luke 18:11-12). I’m not sure how he managed to reach around and pat himself
on the back and pray at the same time, but he did!
It’s very sad to see
prayer used in a way that makes a point.
Ministers, sadly, are some of the worst offenders about using prayer in
this way. I’ve heard ministers offer
a prayer in a worship service similar to this – Lord, we’ve got a really big decision coming up in our
congregation. We need to do the
right thing. We know the right
things is to (decided in some particular manner). Lord, we know how you want us to decide, but there are some
who have closed their minds and hearts to that way. Open their hearts, their minds, their eyes, and their ears
to vote in the proper way, especially those elders who are being stubborn and
unwilling to get with the program!
Those kinds of prayers aren’t really prayers – they’re speeches, and
everybody knows it, and they’re self-righteous as well.
Jesus encountered a lot
of self-righteous people. And when
he did, he was usually pretty tough on them. Consider these words from the 23rd chapter of
Matthew’s gospel – Woe to you, teachers
of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites!
You are like whitewashed tombs which look beautiful on the outside but
on the inside are full of of deadmen’s bones and everything unclean. In the same way, on the outside you
appear to people as righteous but on the inside you are full of hypocrisy and
wickedness. You snakes! You brood of vipers! How will you escape being condemned to
hell? (Matthew 23:27-28; 33)
Wow. Those are tough words, spoken with
strong emotion, and they probably didn’t win Jesus any fans among the Pharisees
and others in the religious establishment. Jesus was hard on self-righteousness, I think, because it
presents a distorted idea of the nature of faith and because it turns people
away from faith, as they find it to be so unattractive.
I don’t think anyone
has much tolerance for self-righteousness. Jesus certainly didn’t. But as much as we dislike
self-righteousness, it’s important to remember that we all have the capacity to
become self-righteous. It’s really
not that difficult, because one of the traits of self-righteousness is the
inability to recognize it, even in one’s self. While we are quick to recognize it in others, we are not so
quick to identify it in ourselves.
People don’t generally
know when they are being self-righteous.
The Pharisees, who represent to us the very epitome of
self-righteousness, wouldn’t have understood themselves to be self-righteous. In fact, the Pharisees as a group began
in the time between the Old and the New Testaments as a movement to revive
spirituality among the Jewish people.
The Pharisees were a reaction to what was perceived as cold, stale,
legalistic religion, so their roots were based in a good impulse, but they
eventually came to represent exactly what they originally opposed. From a desire to encourage prayer they
moved to offering showy prayers, standing in busy public places so they would
be seen as they prayed. From a
desire to encourage generosity they moved to a self-congratulatory attention-calling
to their giving. From a desire to
give to the needy they moved to a lesser concern with helping and a greater
concern to receive the recognition for their generosity.
Sometimes, the best and
most noble spiritual impulses can go awry. In fact, one of the lessons we can learn from those whom
Jesus addressed is this – if we have to
point out our righteousness to other people, it’s not really true righteousness.
want to serve as God’s gatekeepers.
I like the concerts at
the State Fair, especially the free ones at Cardinal Stadium. I like them because, well, they’re
free, and because they often feature the classic rock acts of my era of music. One
year I was walking through Freedom Hall on my way to the stadium, and there was
a long line of people waiting to be seated for a Kenny Chesney concert. I don’t mean to stereotype, but have
you ever noticed how it’s just obvious that some people belong to a particular
group? Like Kenny Chesney fans,
for instance. The dress code was
an assortment of boots, cowboy or baseball hats, and faded and torn jeans. I’m not being critical of country
music, I’m just making an observation.
Or maybe I’m just jealous because no one has ever written a song about
my sexy tractor. Not the I even
have a tractor. I have a sad, little
riding mower and believe me, there is nothing sexy about it! But the point is, everyone in that line
looked like they were going to a Kenny Chesney concert, except for one
guy. In the midst of this long
line of people was a guy who looked to be in his early to mid 20s. His hair was heavily jelled up in
spikes and was dyed three or four different colors. He had a bunch of piercings and a big chain hanging down
from his belt. I wondered if I
should tell him Metallica wasn’t playing that night, because he just didn’t
look like he fit in, and many of the people in the line were giving him looks
that communicated that they didn’t think he fit in either.
loves to communicate who fits in with God and who doesn’t. It has a uniform, and a set of beliefs
and actions; it has a mold in which every one must fit perfectly. Self-righteous people want to define
that mold, and they believe they are the ones qualified to serve as God’s
gatekeepers, determining who is acceptable to God and who isn’t. They are the ones who will look at
people and say, no, you don’t fit; you
don’t belong; you’re not like us.
The Pharisee in the Temple fit this bill perfectly, as he looked down on
the tax collector in his self-congratulatory manner. It was very clear to him that he was one not only of God’s
chosen but one of God’s preferred, and that gave him the right, in his mind, to
determine that the tax collector was not worthy enough to be one of God’s
We hear a lot in recent
years about the folks who are spiritual
but not religious. I’m not
going to criticize that group of people, because I believe churches had a big
part in creating them. Far too
often, churches appointed themselves the gatekeepers to the kingdom of God and
would confidently, loudly – and often irritatingly – proclaim who was
acceptable to God and who was not.
Jesus very obviously kicked the legs out from under that high
horse. Jesus very obviously went
out of his way to bring into God’s favor those who were cast aside by the
self-righteous. Jesus very
obviously offered love, grace, and dignity to people who received none of those
gifts from the self-righteous.
thrives on false comparisons.
I talked some about
comparisons last fall, but I want to mention comparisons in a different context
today. Self-righteousness loves to
make comparisons; the Pharisee in the Temple is a perfect example of this – God, I thank you that I am not like other
people. The reality is, the
Pharisee might have been a better person in some ways than the tax collector,
but so what? The point is not to
be better than other people; that is a false comparison. The true comparison is this – how do I compare to Jesus? It’s not hard to find someone to whom
we can feel spiritually superior, whether or not we really are. And plenty of church people over the
years have made that comparison to others, so in some cases, the reputation of
churches as being self-righteous is well-deserved, isn’t it?
A couple of weeks ago I
mentioned a church I served as Student Minister back in the 70s, Bethel
Christian Church in Jonesboro, Tennessee. Bethel is an African-American
congregation, which was a very interesting experience for me. Early in my ministry there I was
standing in a room behind the sanctuary looking at a picture. It was the traditional Head-of-Christ
picture that we see in many churches, except it was an African-American
Jesus. As I was standing there,
just looking at the picture, one of the ladies of the church walked by and,
without stopping, said, yeah, that’s not
right, but neither is the one at your church.
I found that to be both
funny and true, as the reality is that we can easily have the tendency to remake
Jesus in our image, rather than remaking ourselves in his.
The comparison we ought
to be making is not how we measure up to other people, or how they measure up
to us, but how we measure up to Jesus.
Monday, February 16, 2015
February 15, 2015 Living Between the Mountaintop and the Valley
Attending college in northeast Tennessee meant there were many
outdoor activities available. One
that I enjoyed was climbing Buffalo Mountain, just outside of Johnson City.

There’s something euphoric, I think, about being on a literal
mountaintop and surveying all the valleys that stretch out before you. Although it’s a lot of work to get to
the mountaintop, there is a sense of peace as you gaze into the valley and know
you are far removed from all the problems and stresses of life in the valley.
This morning, as we move a little further into the gospel of Mark, we
are talking about Living Between the
Mountaintop and the Valley. Let’s
read the story of the Transfiguration, where Jesus takes Peter, James, and John
to the top of a mountain and there is transfigured before them.
2 After six days
Jesus took Peter, James and John with him and led them up a high mountain,
where they were all alone. There he was transfigured before them.
3 His clothes became
dazzling white, whiter than anyone in the world could bleach them.
4 And there appeared
before them Elijah and Moses, who were talking with Jesus.
5 Peter said to
Jesus, “Rabbi, it is good for us to be here. Let us put up three shelters—one
for you, one for Moses and one for Elijah.”
6 (He did not know
what to say, they were so frightened.)
7 Then a cloud
appeared and covered them, and a voice came from the cloud: “This is my Son, whom
I love. Listen to him!”
8 Suddenly, when
they looked around, they no longer saw anyone with them except Jesus.
9 As they were
coming down the mountain, Jesus gave them orders not to tell anyone what they
had seen until the Son of Man had risen from the dead.
Allow me to share a few lessons from this passage –
We need our mountaintop experiences.
For me, church camp was always a mountaintop experience. I spent a good deal of my summers,
beginning in elementary school through my early college years, going to church
camp, and my experiences there were some of the most profound in my life. At the time, I understood those
experiences to be a source of strength and encouragement for me between
summers, helping me to get through each school year, but as I’ve grown older
I’ve come to understand how they continue to be life-changing and life-shaping
experiences for me. For some people, their mountaintop experiences came in
other ways. The context of the
experience doesn’t matter as much as having the experience.
I hope that worship can be a mountaintop experience for you. I understand that our experience of
worship can vary quite a bit from week to week, and there are times when you
might come for any number of weeks – or longer – and not get that sense of a
mountaintop experience, but I hope it does come at some point.
Sometimes we need a special encounter with God. Sometimes we need those moments that
lift us above the daily grind of life.
Sometimes we need those moments where heaven meets earth and the divine comes
right into our lives. Those
moments don’t come every day in my life.
Sometimes, those really moving encounters come few and far between.
Sometimes those encounters come totally out of the blue and other times they
come because we place ourselves in a position where they can happen. But one of those encounters is enough to
provide spiritual fuel for a long time.
Peter, James, and John would certainly have their share of powerful
and profound experiences with Jesus, but this one was special, and as difficult
as it was for them to understand the experience, it was one that touched them
in a very deep and profound way.
We need people to share our journey.
I don’t know why Jesus seemed to favor Peter, James, and John, but
he seemed to be closer to those three than the other disciples. The gospels mention other times when
Jesus favored Peter, James, and John, such as in the Garden of Gethsemane, when
he took those three further into the garden with him than the others. If we attempted to list the others from
memory we might have a difficult time of it as, outside of the list of their
names, some of them are barely mentioned in the New Testament.
But Jesus was, I’m certain, very close to all twelve of the
disciples, and his relationship with the twelve reminds us of the powerful need
we have in life of being in relationship with other people. We are social
creatures; we are not meant to live in solitude. And when we look around at the prevalence of social media and
the powerful force it has become in the lives of so many it is but one more
reminder of that need God places within us for relationships with other people.
Aren’t you grateful we do not walk through this life alone? Aren’t you grateful for the people that
God has brought into your life?
Can you imagine life without those people who celebrate with us in the
difficult times but also walk with us through the valley, the people who will
sit and weep with us, mourn with us, and love us when we feel as though we
cannot continue?
Jesus surrounded himself with close friends because that is what we
need in life. We need, in
particular, people who will be encouragers for us. Think of Barnabas, in the book of Acts, whose name meant encourager. Imagine being known for all of history as an encourager –
now there is a legacy! I could
give you so many examples of people who have served as encouragers to me, but
I’ll share just one this morning.
In a previous congregation where I served, as the conclusion of the
service, one of the members shook my hand and said, Dave, that was a really good message today. I really enjoyed it a got a lot out of it. Thank you for sharing it today. My first impression, honestly, was to
be disappointed, because we had a music program that day and I didn’t preach. I thought she must have slept through
the service and didn’t notice there was no sermon that day! Upon reflection, however, I realized it
was because her habit was to say something encouraging to me every week after
worship. It was that she didn’t
notice I hadn’t preached; she just did what she always did, which was to offer
an encouraging word to me.
We enter the valley because that is where so much of life is lived and
that is where so many people live.
We all have that one place where we could just camp out
forever. Perhaps it’s the beach –
that’s the favorite for a lot of us, isn’t it? My mother-in-law lived on the beach at Tybee Island, Georgia
for 18 years, and we loved to visit there. The beach is one of the few places in the world where I can
be content just sitting. I look
out at the water and think, I could sit
here forever. Now she lives on
a lake in northeast Georgia, and though I really miss the beach I love the lake
as well. The lake has over 900
miles of shoreline winding through the hills of northeast Georgia and islands
dot the lake. Some of them are
smaller than this room but others can cover a couple of acres. I love to go out on the lake and pull
up to one of the islands and sit on the little beaches that surround them. It’s incredibly peaceful. It’s quiet, there are no phones ringing
and no to-do lists. There is only
peace and quiet. There have been
many times when I sat on a beach, or an island, or on a mountain overlook and
thought I could stay here forever. Have you ever felt that way?
But, sadly, the mountaintop is not where most people live. Most people live much of their lives in
the harshness of the valley, where dysfunction and disease and conflict and
loss and fear and violence and so many other problems overwhelm life. As
wonderful as it would be to stay on the mountaintop, we have to enter the
valleys because that is where people live.
On a fortunate few occasions we get to visit the mountaintop and
have that beautiful mountaintop experience, but that is not where we get to
stay long. Some people never make
it to the mountaintop. Some people
spend all of their lives struggling to be free from the valley of poverty, of
disease, of violence, of loneliness, of depression and despair, of fear and so
many other struggles that fill that valley.
Peter, bless him, has an interesting reaction to being on the
mountaintop. He turns to Jesus and
says Rabbi, it is good for us to be here.
Let us put up three shelters—one for you, one for Moses and one for Elijah.
Peter’s words were accurate but
the sentiment behind them was a bit off.
It was indeed good for them to be there and to experience such a
momentous occasion. What a
wonderful experience they shared; who wouldn’t want to stay there?
But Peter’s desire to build some shelters and stay on the
mountaintop was the wrong sentiment.
It was the wrong sentiment for this reason – after the transfiguration
Jesus leads Peter, James, and John back down the mountain, back to reality,
where there is chaos, confusion, and frustration. Basically, back to every day life. When you read ahead to the next story, you find the other
disciples surrounded by a crowd and a man whose son who needed to be
healed. It was a chaotic situation
and a reminder of why we prefer to be on the mountaintop and out of the valley. I’m sure Peter, James, and John were
thinking at that moment can we go back up
to the mountaintop and get away from all of this? Isn’t that a reaction we often have to the chaos and
suffering and struggles of the world?
Lord, excuse me, but I think I’ll
go to my safe place, to my favorite place that will insulate me from all this
craziness in the world. But
here is an important truth for us to remember – any encounter with God that
does not lead us down from our mountains, that does not lead us out of our
buildings, and does not lead us out into the needs of the world around us is
probably not a real encounter with God.
A mountaintop experience – a true mountaintop experience – is one
that compels us down from the mountaintop and into the valley, because that is
where God can always be found – in the valley. Isn’t that what the psalmist tells us in the 23rd
psalm? Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will
fear no evil, for thou art with me, thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. There is no valley too deep for
God. There is no valley out of
God’s reach. There is no valley
where God is not present.
Kayla Mueller is a name we
learned only recently. She had
been in the hands of ISIS and we were all surprised to hear the news in recent
days, as her kidnapping had not been made public. We also learned, tragically that she died in recent
days. In the spring of 2014 she
wrote a letter to her family, which the family made public after her
death. Here is some of what she
had to say –
I remember mom always telling me that all in
all in the end the only one you really have is God. I have come to a place in
experience where, in every sense of the word, I have surrendered myself to our
creator b/c literally there was no else ... + by God + by your prayers I have
felt tenderly cradled in freefall. I have been shown in darkness, light + have
learned that even in prison, one can be free. I am grateful. I have come
to see that there is good in every situation, sometimes we just have to look
for it. I pray each day that if nothing else, you have felt a certain closeness
+ surrender to God as well + have formed a bond of love + support amongst one
Isn’t that an amazing testimony of courage and faith? Her words, in a very powerful way, echo
those of Paul, who also wrote of his faith while in prison, and who also wrote
of being able to see the good in each situation. I hope that if I were ever in a situation that challenged my
faith that I could hold to it as strongly as Kayla. For Kayla, the mountaintop came to the valley. Even though she found herself,
literally, in the valley of the shadow of death she shows no fear, as she knew
God was with her. Down from the
mountaintop he came, and entered into the valley with her.
Some of you may be blessed to be on the mountaintop at this point in
your life. Many more of you may be
in the valley, where life is difficult.
Know that God is not far away on the mountaintop, but he is in the
valley with you.
Tuesday, February 10, 2015
My senior year in high school I had a parking permit that allowed me
to drive to school. Our high
school had limited parking and a permit was required, and they were difficult
to secure. Suddenly, because I
could drive to school, I was very popular in my neighborhood. Every morning, as my car filled with
riders, I took up a collection for gas.
None of us had much money, so I ended up with a handful of quarters,
nickels, dimes, and pennies. We
would stop at the Clark gas station on the main drag through my hometown and
get gas every morning. Some
mornings it was $2.00 and sometimes less.
That was in the days when there was an attendant who would pump gas for
you, so I would roll down my window, hand him a bunch of change, and he would
roll his eyes and put the gas in my car.
One day he asked me, why don’t you
just fill up your tank instead of stopping every day to get a little bit of
gas? Wouldn’t that be a lot
easier? I told him I would
love to fill up the tank, but I didn’t have the money. Because we put in a little bit each day
I was always running on empty.
There was a stretch of time when I ran out of gas on several occasions
as I drove home to school, and I would walk to a nearby house and call my dad –
if he was home from work – and ask him to come and pick me up. Finally, after picking me up one too
many times, he told me I was going to have to start charging my riders more or
I would have to walk home the next time I ran out of gas.
Fortunately, I can now fill my car with gas but there are still many
days when I’m running on empty. There are days when I’m tired and worn
down with a crowded schedule and I feel I’m sputtering and about to run out of
gas. I’m not the only one; you
feel that way as well, don’t you?
This morning, we are studying another passage from the gospel of
Mark, as the lectionary takes us further in chapter one, where we read these
words –
As soon as they left the synagogue, they entered the house of Simon and Andrew,
with James and John.
Now Simon's mother-in-law was in bed with a fever, and they told him about her
at once.
He came and took her by the hand and lifted her up. Then the fever left her,
and she began to serve them.
That evening, at sundown, they brought to him all who were sick or possessed
with demons.
And the whole city was gathered around the door.
And he cured many who were sick with various diseases, and cast out many
demons; and he would not permit the demons to speak, because they knew him.
In the morning, while it was still very dark, he got up and went out to a
deserted place, and there he prayed.
And Simon and his companions hunted for him.
When they found him, they said to him, "Everyone is searching for
He answered, "Let us go on to the neighboring towns, so that I may
proclaim the message there also; for that is what I came out to do."
And he went throughout Galilee, proclaiming the message in their synagogues and
casting out demons.
So let’s take a closer
look at some of the lessons from this passage –
1. Refueling is a spiritual act.
If you are like most people,
you’re probably tired a good deal of the time. Living in a 24/7, always-connected, always-on world means we
seldom have time – or take the time – to relax. An increasing amount of research is beginning to make one
thing very clear, and that is the failure to allow our bodies and minds to rest
is taking a terrible toll on our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health.
But we don’t need
research to tell us this, do we?
We already know we need more rest and a break from the stress of modern
life. But who has time to
rest? The emails, phone calls,
texts, and job and family responsibilities keep coming at us, causing us to
push harder and harder, with the end result that we are increasingly exhausted
and stressed.
Among the many
fascinating elements of the ministry of Jesus is his practice of slipping away
from the crowds and from his disciples for times of quiet reflection and
prayer. Interestingly, it seems
that Jesus was more likely to slip away when the demands upon him increased and
the needs surrounding him were at their greatest. This story, in fact, takes place immediately after Jesus was
inundated with people seeking to be healed and was at a time when the demands
upon him were the greatest. It was
the time, his disciples would believe, when he needed to be most available to
meet the needs of people. And yet
there he was, slipping away quietly in the early morning hours to take the time
to pray and to refresh and recharge himself.
Mark tells us that very early in the morning, while it was
still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place,
where he prayed (Mark 1:35). I
am not a morning person, although in recent years I’ve tried to reorient by
body clock to be more of a morning person. I go to bed earlier and get up earlier, but I have to
confess that it’s a struggle.
Those of you who attend the early service have most likely noticed that
early morning is not my natural habitat. For me, that most natural time for worship comes only once a
year for our church – at 11:00 p.m. on Christmas Eve – now that’s my time of
day! Tanya and I are completely
opposite when it comes to our body clocks. She gets up a little before 5:00 a.m., when I’m still dead
to the world, but I’m awake long after her in the evening. She is very much a morning person, and
I have to be honest, I kind of resent morning people. I’ve resent them because they got up first and built the
world to revolve around their schedules. If you are a night person you understand that you have to
adapt to the world of the morning people!
But whether we are
morning or night people here is how we often live – it is when we are at our
busiest that we tend to be least
likely to do what we really need to do, and that is take the time to refresh
ourselvs physically, emotionally, and spiritually. That is worth repeating – it is when we are at our busiest that we tend to be least likely to do
what we really need to do, and that is take the time to refresh ourselvs
physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
When life gets busy and stressful,
sometimes the first things to go are the things we need the most, such as time
alone, time in prayer, time pursuing a spiritual discipline that will put fuel
back into our tanks, energy in our steps, and passion in our hearts. Too often, when life
gets busy and stressful, we continue to push ahead and charge forward, when we
really need to retreat; to retreat into a quiet place where we can refresh
ourselves through a time of quiet prayer, reflection and meditation. Thou
hast created us for Thyself, and our heart is not quiet until it rests in Thee,
wrote Saint Augustine, one of the greatest minds in the history of the
church. Augustine understood that
our hearts need time of rest and quiet, or else we will fail to withstand the
stresses and pressures of life.
2. Refueling is a necessity.
When I was in seminary, I often thought about the fact that the
schedule was, perhaps, a way to prepare ministerial candidates for a ministry
that is 24/7. I went to class
morning and early afternoon, and then I went to work at my first job until it
was time for dinner. I ate a quick
dinner and then went to my evening job, which was from 6:00 to 10:00 at
night. When I returned home to my
apartment it was time to begin my studying for the next day. It prepared me for a schedule that
involved a lot of hours but it also, unfortunately, ingrained in me the idea
that I needed to be accomplishing or doing something almost every hour of the
I have a hard time sitting and a hard time
relaxing, and when I do, I generally feel guilty, as though I am wasting
valuable time. And I sense that
many of us live this way. Many of us will run out at the drop of a hat to express care
for someone else yet never take the time to care for ourselves. As Jesus told us to love our neighbors
as we love ourselves, we could add that we should care for ourselves as we care
for our neighbors.
After a time away – taking time for prayer and solitude –
Jesus was most prepared to continue his work of ministry. When his disciples found him and told
him, everyone is looking for you,
Jesus was ready to go to work. But
before continuing the work of ministry, Jesus knew the power of taking time for
quiet prayer. After a time away we
can sense within him a staunch resoluteness to go about his work.
If Jesus found it necessary to take a break and
refuel, who are we to argue?
3. Refueling is a
reflection of the important work of ministry.
Here is an obvious fact – you don’t have to go searching for people
in need, because they are all around us.
In fact, if you respond in any way to the needs of people, they will
find you! Mark says the whole town of Capernaum gathered at
the door of Peter and Andrew’s home.
That would be a little annoying, wouldn’t it? It wasn’t a huge town, but with a population of about 1,500
people imagine what it would be like if they all showed up at your house,
knocking on the door, looking in the windows, stepping on your flowers, and
leaving their trash all over the lawn.
What we see is that the response to the ministry of Jesus –
especially his healing ministry – quickly gets to the point that it became
overwhelming to the disciples. On
more than one occasion, the disciples ask Jesus to send the crowds away.
If you are providing a life-changing, life-saving service to people,
they will not only beat a path to your door, they will knock down your door,
knock over everything in your living room and every other room of the house as
they search until they find you, and then they will drain every ounce of your
energy as they draw life out of your life and into theirs. That’s not being critical or cynical –
that’s just how we operate as humanity.
When we are overwhelmed with our needs and our sufferings, we don’t
generally think about the impact our needs and our sufferings have upon
others. So if someone who is in
need or is suffering is not thinking about you, you better think about you and
make sure there is some fuel in your tank because the work of ministering to
others is so important we don’t need to have people burning out.
People are so hungry for ministry. It was obvious, as so many people came to Jesus, that people
were hungry for ministry. Last
summer, when I was preaching through the book of Jonah, I mentioned that church
people sometimes criticize those who turn to God or come to church for the wrong reasons. I think it’s worth mentioning again the
question I asked – is there a wrong reason for people to turn to Jesus or to
come to church? There is an
oft-leveled criticism that some people come to church or turn to God simply
because of what they can get. So
what if people come to Jesus or to church for what they can get? Maybe the crowds were there simply for
the healing, but so what? They
came to Jesus. There are some
reasons for coming to Jesus or to church that might be better than others, but
if a person is coming that’s a good thing, even if their motivations are
somewhat suspect. We shouldn’t be
too quick to judge people’s motivations, because those motivations grow out of
very deep and important needs.
And, after all, don’t we all do that? You’re coming for what you can get for your children or for yourself,
and what’s wrong with that? Faith
is not just an intellectual exercise or agreeing to a list of theological
precepts; faith touches us on a very practical level as well. Faith is, practically speaking, what
gets us through the difficult days, the difficult weeks, the difficult months,
and the difficult years; faith is what sees us through the darkest and most
difficult times of life. We all
come to church, to faith, to God because of what we can get, and let’s not be
hesitant to admit this, because it is in God that we find our needs in life can
be fulfilled. Years ago, in a church where
I served as the Student Minister, I scheduled a Christian rock group to come to
the church to play on a Saturday evening for our youth group. That’s not unusual now, but at that
time it was still fairly controversial, this idea of “Christian rock
music.” We didn’t have many people
there, and to be honest, I was kind of relieved, because they came in and just
took over. They moved things off
the platform like they owned the place.
That made me nervous to I walked out of the sanctuary and ran into one
of the guys in the band in the hallway pulling the front off of a breaker
box. He was hooking wires into the
box and running them into the sanctuary and I was certain he was going to get
electrocuted or blow up everything.
And then the music started!
It was really loud – which is not a bad thing, in my opinion – and
during the last song the kids were standing on the pews and dancing
around. And this was during my
Baptist years, so dancing and church did not go together! Near the end of their program I was
standing in the back of the sanctuary when suddenly the door opened and three
people stepped into the sanctuary.
They were there to prepare communion for the next morning and looked
rather stunned at what they saw happening in the sanctuary. They were lovely people but this was
not the type of event that excited them.
They just stood there in the back watching, with very stern looks on
their faces, and when the final song ended they immediately made their way
towards me, looking very determined and unhappy. I just knew it was the end for me at that church. Before I could open my mouth to even
begin stammering some kind of explanation as to how I could allow such behavior
in the sanctuary one of them spoke up and said I can’t say I find this to be music, but if it gets kids to church on a
Saturday night I’m all for it.
Maybe those kids were just there for the music. Maybe they were just there for the free
pizza. But they were there. Maybe the people of Capernaum were just
there because they had hopes of being healed. Maybe they were there for selfish reasons. But they were there, practically
knocking down the door of Peter and Andrew’s house to get to Jesus.
I don’t know that it matters what gets people to church and to
Jesus; what matters is they get there.
It’s important work, and it’s work that is important enough that we have
to be up for the task over the long haul.
Don’t get into a position where you burn out and give up. One of the reasons I’m so grateful for
a time of sabbatical this year is that I’ve been doing ministry a long time and
I’m tired. I’ve got some years
left in me and I want to be able to use those years effectively. I’ve seen too many people quit over the
years, not because they dislike the work of ministry or because they have grown
uncaring, but because they’ve grown so tired they could not continue.
Are you tired and weary?
Are you running on fumes, feeling as though you are barely hanging on to
life and to faith? If so, stop. Stop pushing harder and stop, step
away, pray, and allow God to give you Fuel
for the Journey.
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